Mayerson Foundation Decision Making Criteria
In making funding decisions, the Trustees of The Manuel D. and Rhoda Mayerson Foundation are responsive to sound strategic planning, organizational stability, leadership, creativity, entrepreneurial visioning, leveraging of resources, collaboration, and empowerment of people. Additionally, there is a focus on providing funding to worthy efforts that otherwise struggle to find vital support.
In all of our work, we aim to understand how the proposed work will result in a desired outcome. Applicants are encouraged to benchmark their initiative against others in the area and around the country and have a practical and realistic proposal that includes a plan for execution and an assessment of organizational capacity (track record, leadership, staffing talent, passion, established network).
In summary, we are interested in projects that figure out how to make an impact and do it broadly with an efficient use of resources. And, we like to see our funding and involvement serve a catalytic role in turning possibilities into reality.
To learn more, please review our Guiding Principles.